2021 Book of the Year

It might seem odd that a company with a core value of “productivity” would choose a book of the year titled Do Nothing. But in a year of seeing people’s mental and physical health deteriorate due not just to issues a global pandemic continues to cause, but also because of the phenomenon of overworking and under living, we found the book captured the essence of putting productivity, and work, in perspective.    As the author, Celeste Headlee states, “The question is not about whether you are productive but what you are producing.” And we would go on to say that the

Book Review: Happy Brain

My sabbatical was great for many reasons, personal and professional. One of the big ones: I could read books! I love to read, and my schedule had gotten so full that there was no time for it. So, the first book I read on sabbatical? Happy Brain by Dean Burnett. 10/10 would recommend.  Leading into my extended leave from work, I experienced my first personal mental health crisis. For several months, I felt wrong. Not like myself. My moods and emotions became erratic and unpredictable. It’s very strange, that feeling that you’ve lost yourself. So I did something about it. 

The Proximity Principle – A Book Review

The right people + The right places = Opportunities. – The Proximity Principle The Proximity Principle by Ken Coleman is a great book for job seekers or anyone not content in their current role. The theme of the book is getting “in proximity” to what you want – career-wise. Coleman shares his own personal experience with finding his dream job. Coleman notes: Everyone wants to do work that matters. The Proximity Principle is a guidebook to get you there! Amazon Overview: Right now, 70 percent of Americans aren’t passionate about their work and are desperately longing for meaning and purpose.

2020 Book of the Year and a Few Memoirs to Grow On

2020. What a year it has been.  We’ve all experienced what it truly means to live in a VUCA- volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous- world.  From a global pandemic to social and political unrest there have been literal and figurative storms everywhere.  They haven’t seemed to end.  Will they end?  And in all this, what does a leader do? Our 2020 book of the year suggests that true leaders go Upstream.  Whether in a crisis or not, the quest to solve problems before they happen- as the subtitle of the book indicates- is a noble calling, especially during times where

2019 Book of the Year

Ideas. They move the world forward. They make businesses and communities succeed through growth and innovation in an everchanging marketplace. But more importantly, ideas are important for what they do and create for the individual. Ideas illuminate us and those around us. In our 2019 Book of the Year, What Do You Do With an Idea?, we can see how ideas impact the individual that then impact the world. Creating is one of the most special and meaningful things we can do as humans. And in order for us to create and generate ideas, we have to create homes, workplaces,