What is Diversity and Why Does it Matter?

I distinctly remember the first time I knew I lived in a bubble.   I was 17- a junior in high school.  I had two elective slots open.  For one, I decided to be a science lab assistant that didn’t require much work.  This allowed me to walk across the street one day a week to spend time with an at-risk elementary student as her mentor. Up until that point in my life, I thought most people lived like me.  Some had more and some had less but I didn’t think there were drastic differences.  As I got to know this

Do You Have a Plan of Action to Reach Your Goals?

Action Planning and Goal Setting are key tools for career success. Stephen Covey’s “Circle of Concern vs Circle of Influence” principle is a great way to start the process. In short, we need to focus on our circle of influence (the things in life and career we can control). Source: INSITEMIND   One way we can do this is by setting goals and creating an action plan. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound. Source: Minute Movement Check out the Point Blog for more Goal Setting ideas: Goal Setting Articles from the Point Blog Develop an Action

5 LinkedIn Tips for Job Seekers

Now more than ever, companies are utilizing LinkedIn to seek out job candidates. They aren’t looking at the ones who have “job seeker” in their profile. Organizations are seeking passive candidates that have desired skills, endorsements and connections to reputable individuals and organizations. Here are 5 tips for getting the best out of your LinkedIn profile: Tell your story. Your summary should include a brief history of your career emphasizing your key skills and accomplishments. I often recommend using the “summary of qualifications” from your current resume. Include all key skills that a potential employer might be looking for. Do

3 Ways to Make your Workplace Harassment Training Successful

I recently attended an HR luncheon where a good question was raised. How can HR ensure that leadership understands the importance of and supports anti-harassment policies? Many organizations focus their anti-harassment efforts on minimizing legal liability and not on minimizing inappropriate behavior within their organization. Their training consists of annual anti-harassment training, usually in the form of a bland training video that most employees sit through, but don’t pay attention to. In order for an anti-harassment training program to be effective, it must focus on minimizing the behavior and should include a few key components: The training must be relevant-

Be Leary of the First Impression

I spent some time (finally) reading for pleasure over the 4th of July holiday week.  A new author, Amor Towles, has struck a cord with me, and I finished up reading A Gentleman in Moscow over the break. The writing is eloquent and thought-provoking, and this quote resonated with me as a keen lesson: After all, what can a first impression tell us about someone we’ve just met for a minute in the lobby of a hotel? For that matter, what can a first impression tell us about anyone? Why, no more than a chord can tell us about Beethoven,