4 Ways to Help Change Happen When Change is Hard

“For anything to change, someone has to start acting differently.” from Switch by Chip and Dan Heath Change is all around us.  In our personal and professional lives, just when we might get to used to something, it changes.  Many of the most life-altering personal changes that we choose like marriage and children we tend to embrace and get excited about.  We put ourselves in these situations of change. At work, though, changes often occur, and we didn’t prompt them. They are unsettling and hard. We work a lot with clients helping them manage change.  In addition, when we are

The 3 Quickest Ways to Turn Off a Hiring Manager

You’ve landed the job interview! In preparation for your meeting with your potential boss, what should you do? Start by checking out these 3 quick ways to turn off a hiring manager: 1. Talking too much in the interview – Yes, the interviewer wants to know more about you and your experience. However, they don’t want your life history. Do your best to stick to short, concise answers to their specific questions. Don’t overshare – especially about previous terrible bosses! And, limit your questions to 2 or 3 good ones. 2. Too much follow-up – A thank you note is

To be the Best, Run with the Best

Since running my first marathon in 2009, it’s been in the back of my mind.  Can I run a sub-four-hour marathon?  Of the two I’ve done, I would have to shave more than twenty minutes off my time to do so. This summer, I started running occasionally with someone who runs fast.  So fast, she has qualified for Boston and qualified this year to run the New York City Marathon. I think her marathon PR is around a 3:24. This means she has finished a marathon about an hour faster than I have. She typically runs each mile at least

What You Should Title Your Job Posting

The job market is hot right now.  As mentioned in a previous post about targeting passive candidates, there are more job openings now than there are people to fill them. So how do you get a candidate’s attention for your job when you post it?  Obviously, some things to consider are where you post it (and hopefully you aren’t just posting and praying) and how you are advertising/boosting your post within those sites. But one thing we often neglect to consider is the actual title we place on the job when we post it.  Most often, we just pull the

Three Things to Stop and Do When You’ve Made Someone Out to be a Villain

Movies, TV shows, and plays- anything that tells a story really- usually create a victor and a villain. There always seems to be a bad guy. And we are all so happy to create and label the bad guy. And in our own lives and workplaces, there seems to be this fight for good versus evil.  None of us are or want to be on the side of evil, so someone else must be, right? If you’re like me, you’ve villainized at least one person in your lifetime.  I see it so much in one-on-one leadership coaching.  The labeling of