4 Things to Do After An Interview

You’ve made it through an interview, or two or three interviews, as it seems to be these days. You relax for a second, happy that this part of the process is over, but that lasts only about half a minute before you begin going through every possible scenario in your head about how things could play out. Do you get a call back with an offer? An invitation to come back for another interview? A thanks but no thanks letter in the mail? What will happen next? And what do you do in the meantime? It can be extremely nerve-racking

4 Outdated Career Myths You Should Probably Forget

Guest blog post written by: Stephanie Seibel Have you ever noticed that your career looks nothing like Mom’s did? We’ve got a post-recession economy,technological advances resembling something from Gattaca, and a radically different generation of workers entering the labor force. It only takes one Google-second to realize that the entire world of work is changing. If the evolving work-world gives you a headache, here are 4 outdated career myths you can safely forget. 1) Get a Job “Jobs” are out but “gigs” are in. With the high costs of training and the short stay of workers, many employers now prefer independent

Career Spotlight: Front Line Leaders of Administrative Personnel

Do you like organization and working with a team? Are you interested in customer and personal service? If so, then a career as a Front Line Leader of Administrative Personnel may be perfect for you. On the other hand, if you don’t enjoy working with others, critical thinking, planning and administration, becoming a front line leader may not be a good fit for you. Front line leaders of Administrative personnel directly supervise and coordinate the activities of clerical and administrative support workers.(ONET) What do you need to be a Front Line Leader of Administrative Personnel?   Education: Front Line Leaders

Midlife Career Change – Is it for you?

Are you halfway to retirement and considering a career change? Maybe you’re in a role that is being eliminated or just ready to try something new as you dive in to the last half of your career. Where do you begin? First, a career assessment is a great place to start. My Next Move is a free one that can be completed online or we can help you with an in-depth assessment that examines your personality and desired skills and abilities. Another great resource for making a career change is the internet. You can search for “in-demand” careers online. According

Career Sportlight: STEM Careers

Do you like science or math? Does engineering or technology interest you? If so, this career spotlight is a must read. STEM Careers are “in-demand” and offer several options for cool jobs, and according to Stemcareer.com, during the next decade, the U.S. demand for scientists and engineers is expected to increase four times the rate for all other occupations.   STEM is an acronym referring to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The term is typically used when addressing education policy and curriculum choices in schools to improve competitiveness in technology development. It has implications for workforce