The Best Financial Planning Tips For Recent College Grads

Written by guest blogger: Jackie Waters. Jackie is passionate about sustainability and simplicity.  She runs, providing advice on being…Hyper Tidy! Graduating college is a huge milestone in anyone’s life, but it can also be a little scary. Where do you go from here? How do you start building savings while you’re looking for your dream job? Those questions can be overwhelming if you let them, so the first step is to sit down and write out a plan. Think about your goals and how you can shape them; are you just ready to plan for the immediate future, or do you

How to be Employed to Work at Home

Written by: AnnaMaria Bliven, MBA, MA, of Work at Home Solutions  It was 2002 and my kids were coming to me for community sports fees, uniform fees, dance costumes, school field trips and even school registration fees (high school registration one year cost $150). With all this need for extra money, I had to do something because my household budget could not be stretched to afford these extra expenses for my children. This was the motivation factor that began an online journey that has led to thousands of dollars in income and extra income for my family. The journey to seek

Bridging the Divide… Education for the Future

A country divided is what we are all hearing.  I’m tired of hearing it, are you? But as I examine the problem, realizing I am, like we all are, a part of it, I think Steve Boese in his HR Technology Blog described the problem best as he summarized the meaning of a chart illustrating the growing income divide in our country: Their jobs, if they are employed, are worse than the ones they used to have. They have less job security than ever before. They are increasingly unprepared to do many of the ‘new’ kinds of jobs that might

Entrepreneurs Give Back

Many entrepreneurs find a path to entrepreneurship in their efforts to accomplish two things: Find personal fulfillment and satisfaction Give back to others and the communities in which they serve And the reality of it is that, oftentimes, number one is fulfilled because number two is constantly being sought.   Giving back creates the end that satisfies many other means. We’ve featured several of these like-minded entrepreneurs over the years, and wanted to remind you of their great stories to check out as inspiration: Ginny Pylant- Artist- Just Give it A Whirl Ben Eubanks– HR Pro Susan Ozier- Fitness Coach Who

8 Steps to Go Out on Your Own as an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is a workforce development strategy we all need to focus on and consider more.  Either at the individual or community level, entrepreneurship is a viable way to create wealth, develop professional satisfaction and, at the end of the day, help more people. I find that more and more people are considering going out on their own for their next career strategy.  In fact, many people are referring now to the “Free Agent Nation” or the “1099 economy” with over one-fifth of the population working on a 1099 instead of W-2.   In addition, more and more companies and educational entities