Why? Again.

I’m back to being asked why again about 200 times a day.  Thus is the life of a parent of a two, almost three, year old. I do not have a conversation with my little girl EVER these days without the question of “Why?” coming out of her mouth. While she was stalling on bedtime the other night, I began to take a tally and we got to 16 Whys? before I finally shut her down.  I couldn’t take it anymore! But the irony of all of this is that I’m now reading Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire

The Best Way to Show Your Employees the Love on Valentines Day- And Every Day

Ahh, Valentine’s Day. The day of love and all things chocolate. Is it a special day for you at the office or just another work day? I hope you place a special emphasis today, and really any working day for that matter, on loving your employees and coworkers in the agape love kind of way. That servant leadership kind of love (not the sappy romantic kind that could lead to a sexual harassment complaint) that helps you achieve positive organizational results. As I think about the best way to show employees love, I’m reminded of the high of my work

A Holistic Goal Setting Method

When I think about goal setting from a holistic perspective, Zig Ziglar’s wheel of life concept seems to be best.  When I’m honest with myself, I’m not really a holistic goal setter. I find it easier to set two types of goals:  Business or career goals and fitness goals. Zig’s approach helps me see that in many areas of my life that are important to me- like my spiritual life and my relationship with my friends and my husband- I’m very haphazard instead of intentional. The spokes of the wheel are: Career Financial Spiritual Physical Intellectual Family Social The approach

Methods to the Madness of Goal Setting

It’s that time of year.  New Year’s resolutions abound still on this 10th day of the New Year.  We’re sticking to them now.  Will we by month end? New Years’ resolutions are quite simply, goals.  They can be set at any time of the year, and there are as many methods for setting and pursuing them as there are failed attempts at reaching them. But goal setting is a method that works. Research shows it does if it is handled within certain contexts and parameters. For the sake of full disclosure, I’m all about goal setting as a performance management method. I

Don’t Miss the Bus- Talent Management Lessons at its Finest from Lane Kiffin

I don’t know about you, but there has been a lot of football on at our house over the holiday break.  So much so, that as I was putting up Christmas decorations on Monday, I was silently cussing the college football season wishing my husband would get off the couch and help instead of watching more of what seems to be an endless bowl season. Then I hear him say,  “WHAT?!?!”  and turn up Gameday. “Babe,” he yells, “He fired Kiffin.” “He’s (Nick Saban) is about to come on live, you gotta come listen to this.” Despite my frustration, I