3 Ways to Make your Workplace Harassment Training Successful

I recently attended an HR luncheon where a good question was raised. How can HR ensure that leadership understands the importance of and supports anti-harassment policies? Many organizations focus their anti-harassment efforts on minimizing legal liability and not on minimizing inappropriate behavior within their organization. Their training consists of annual anti-harassment training, usually in the form of a bland training video that most employees sit through, but don’t pay attention to. In order for an anti-harassment training program to be effective, it must focus on minimizing the behavior and should include a few key components: The training must be relevant-

Employee Mentoring Programs

Written by guest blogger: Steve Graham What role do employee-mentoring programs have? Mentoring programs have a tremendous impact on employee development, talent retention, and engagement.  Employees crave feedback and often seek someone who has walked their path.  Offering a formal mentoring program demonstrates the organizations commitment to talent development.  It also allows for assistance in developing a career path, and answering the often-asked question, “How do I get where you are?”. One common reason for turnover is lack of professional growth. Mentoring offers a chance for an employee to discuss many of the same concerns their mentor once had.  This

A Culture Where Nothing Is Ever Good Enough and How to Fix It: An Interview with Rajeev Behera CEO of Reflektive

1 in 4 people say their jobs are the most stressful part of their lives. What is creating stress in the workplace and how can it be resolved? Rajeev Behera, CEO of Reflektive, says that a fear-based work culture where nothing is ever good enough is a main cause of stress in the workplace. This occurs when managers use intimidation tactics, putting more value on the employees that put in the most hours, instead of those who are team players. Rajeev saw this first-hand in his work life before founding Reflektive, a performance management and talent development software company, where

3 Steps to Keep a Bad Employee from Suing You

As the mom of three boys who are full of mischief, I often hear the phrase “I didn’t know” or “you never told me.” And usually it’s in response to something that I had addressed with them at least once. Sometimes I wish I could approach disciplinary issues in parenting the same way I approach disciplinary issues in my career, with a formal sit down discussion and written documentation. One of my favorite aspects of Human Resources is employee relations. I love the opportunity to speak with managers about the performance management process and the importance of documentation. Having kept

Mommas Maintaining Grit?

Throw-up had literally been everywhere.  All week.  As had it’s counterpart that also comes along with what would later be diagnosed as rotavirus in my son. I had multiple meetings scheduled both with current and desired clients.  I had blocked off time to prepare for the next week that involved three different training sessions.   Each required the preparation and roll out of new material. I just couldn’t wing these. And because of said throw-up coming often at night, I hadn’t slept.  Neither had my husband, and he had multiple priorities at work to attend to as well. I canceled all