Why Small Businesses Need HR

TriNet, a California based HR Services provider, conducted a survey of small businesses in 2014. They found that: 81% of small business owners manage the HR function themselves 30% admitted that they were nervous about managing HR for their organization 30% reported that they improperly paid employees 23% acknowledged that they lost employees to their competitors due to benefits According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are over 137,000 new employer companies starting up each month. As those companies grow, their burdens as an employer increase. Many of the managers who responded to the TriNet survey stated that they spent

Targeting Passive Candidates

Recruiters everywhere are struggling to fill open positions these days. According to an August 2018 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the rate of job openings is 4.6%, while the rate of unemployment is 3.6%. Basically, there are more open jobs right now than there are people to fill them. Organizations are having to rethink their recruiting strategies in order to attract qualified candidates. Part of this revised strategy includes targeting passive candidates, or people who aren’t actively looking for a new job. So how do you attract candidates when they aren’t even job hunting? Offer employee referral bonuses.

The Power of Pause

“Patience is the primary virtue needed in order to reach your destiny.” Tony Evans, Detours We use the DiSC model in leadership training.  As you can see below, the first question asked of people when they are trying to determine their DiSC style or the style of another without the assessment is, “Are you cautious and reflective or are you fast-paced and outspoken?”  I’m so fast-paced and outspoken, you don’t even need to ask the next question (questioning and skeptical or accepting and warm?). I am a Di or an iD all day long. So, it’s obvious that patience is not one

Proactively Impacting Retention Through Stay Interviews

How often as leaders do you wish you could convince an employee to stay after they’ve turned in their resignation? What if you could change their mind before they reached the point of no return? Organizations often sit down with employees after they’ve tendered their resignation to find out why they decided to leave. But how often do leaders sit down with employees to find out what can be done to ensure that they stay with the organization? Exit interviews usually consist of questions surrounding the reason for leaving including dissatisfaction with leadership, the organization, and benefits offered. But by

4 Keys to Communication to Create Optimal Candidate Experiences

Candidate experience isn’t just about getting people to apply for your opening positions.  It is also about getting them to continue to or start buying your products and services.  In a recent candidate experience study by IBM,  “candidates who are satisfied with their experience are twice as likely to become a customer of the hiring organization compared to unsatisfied candidates (53 percent vs. 25 percent).” So you may not care if an unqualified applicant applies for your openings, but you definitely want everyone to continue or start buying from you. With this in mind, communication is the most critical piece