“There’s no bathroom for me here…” Finding Your Voice

I sat down to watch a movie a week or so ago with my husband.  I average getting through about one full movie a year (apart from the Disney movies that are constantly playing at my house…. “Let it go, Let it go…. Oh, I digress….) so I’m ahead of schedule this year. It was a movie I asked my husband to get, Hidden Figures, and after three months of it sitting in its Netflix case he told me it was time to watch it or he was simply going to send it back. So we watched it. I thought

Living Life Gratefully is Living Life Authentically

My great-grandmother taught me the art of gratitude. She lived a very hard life, but through it all she was grateful. She always found the positive in everything and helped others see the positive in their lives as well. As we explore how to be authentic, I find myself thinking of her and what she taught me a lot. This quote from best-selling author Sarah Ban Breathnach is the perfect illustration of what effect gratitude can have on you. “You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance

Hearing vs. Understanding: The Art of Active Listening

One of my favorite active listening quotes comes from Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is: “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” The art of active listening isn’t easy, but it’s important. Last night my husband came home from work and walked through the door with that look on his face. The one that leaves no question about what kind of day he had and makes me wonder if I should even brave asking. I took a deep breath and dove in. He

Jump start your 2018 professional growth now!

Have you ever wanted to start your own business? Jump start your 2018 professional growth now!   Introducing new coursework available, Getting Off the Ground: 7 Steps to Developing a Successful Business Entrepreneurship is one of our passions. First taught at Professional Development Institute (PDI) at the NCDA Conference Summer 2017. Customized for Career Development Facilitators. Take advantage of this opportunity now! If you missed it at PDI, you can now benefit from the course at your own convenience at an even lower cost. The course is set-up on Udemy.com for easy processing, payment, and participation. Get here: 7 Steps to Developing

3 Things to Consider Before Your Employee Rewards System Goes Bad

She looks like a precious angel doesn’t she?  They both do, actually, but that’s my three year old, loving on my niece before her baptism.  Picture perfect. Flash forward to lunch after the baptism at my brother and sister-in-law’s home.  My husband and I refused to make a special lunch for our kids, telling them that could eat what was prepared. Beef tenderloin, homemade rolls, green bean and roasted potatoes. For this 30 something, the lunch was a major treat. For a three year old, who just wants a peanut butter and jelly, not so much. But, if we had