Career Spotlight: Systems Analyst

Being in the business of helping people find jobs leads to people sending you lots of emails of job openings.   We also subscribe to a job club listserv, and get about 10-20 job postings from the group a day.

This morning I had about 15 job opening emails in my inbox.   Two-thirds of them were IT related openings.  One of the most common job titles is “Systems Analyst” or some version thereof.

If you like to solve problems, troubleshoot and test solutions, tinker with things until you get them right and enjoy math and science, pursuing a career as a Systems Analyst may be the right field for you.    System Analysts also have to be good listeners in order to understand what end users need out of a computer program or package and then take that information to work with programmers to create, test and troubleshoot IT solutions that make the end users’ lives easier.

What do I need to be a Systems Analyst?

Education:  Required: Most jobs in the field require at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems or a related field of study.

If you are a high school student, make sure you are focused on taking advanced level math and science classes as well as computer science classes if they are offered.   Involve yourself in activities the require you to work with others on a team to solve problems and come up with solutions.  This will help you hone your listening, teamwork, problem solving and communication skills.


Here’s a sample of responsibilities a Systems Analyst would perform on the job from one of the postings in my inbox.  This gives a good idea of what skills you would need to be able to perform on the job:

“Primary Responsibilities include:

-Support, monitor, test and resolve hardware and software problems

-Manage server cluster environments including configuration of shares and permissions.

-Perform system installation and configuration

-Evaluate, test, and install system upgrades and patches.

-Support and maintain end user requirements, including troubleshooting, account maintenance and training.

-Document and test procedures and configuration documentation used in the execution of routine day to day activities.

-Maintain, monitor, analyze system components and make recommendations regarding computer system security, monitor network, computer and disk utilization.

-Conduct software and hardware evaluations, provide technical analysis and implement systems to meet IT goals

-Work with a team to automate management tasks, streamline processes and perform standard administration functions as needed”

Is the field growing?

Yes! At a much faster than average rate of 22%+ nationwide between 2012-2022.

What is the pay like?

Not too shabby!

systems analyst salary

  • “High” indicates 90% of workers earn less and 10% earn more.
  • “Median” indicates 50% of workers earn less and 50% earn more.
  • “Low” indicates 10% of workers earn less and 90% earn more.

“N/A” indicates the data is not available.


What’s the Holland Code* for a Systems Analyst?

Interest code: ICR

Investigative — Investigative occupations frequently involve working with ideas, and require an extensive amount of thinking. These occupations can involve searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.

Conventional — Conventional occupations frequently involve following set procedures and routines. These occupations can include working with data and details more than with ideas. Usually there is a clear line of authority to follow.

Realistic — Realistic occupations frequently involve work activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They often deal with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. Many of the occupations require working outside, and do not involve a lot of paperwork or working closely with others.


What if I want to learn more about becoming a Systems Analyst?

Check out:



US News  It’s number #2 on their best technology jobs list

Would you want to be a Systems Analyst? Why or why not?

*Holland Codes are a way to classify a person based on their skills and interests as well as jobs based on the nature of the work.  If you have an interest in knowing what your Holland Code is in order to match yourself to careers to pursue, you can read more about our assessment process.


Mary Ila Ward