Career Spotlight: Most Stressful Jobs

Do you like to live on the edge? If so, you might find your future career on the most stressful jobs list. A recent study suggests that jobs that require you to face unpredictable conditions, immediate dangers and high-stakes situations rank among the most stressful of 2014.

According to a study from job search site CareerCast, jobs where people are putting their lives on the line are the most stressful. Who tops the list you ask? Military personnel (enlisted and generals), firefighters and airline pilots are all there.

According to the site, salaries and education levels for the most stressful jobs vary. The median salaries and education required for those jobs are:

Enlisted Military Personnel – $28,840 (GED or high school diploma)

Military General – $196,300 (varies: specialized training, may also require a master’s degree)

Firefighter – $45,250 (training varies: certificate, 2 years or 4 years of college)

Airline pilot – $114,200 (training varies: license, 2 years or 4 years of college)

According to ONET, the only one of these careers that will be considered high demand in the next several years is a career as a Firefighter.

If you are interested in learning more about these careers, check out these links: Military Careers,Firefighter, Airline Pilot.

Would you want to have one of these most stressful jobs? Why or why not?


Mary Ila Ward