Career Exploration for High School Students – The Key to Choosing a Satisfying Career

College and career is just on the horizon for high school students. Starting career exploration during high schools is important, and the earlier the better. When the average cost of college is over $23,000 and rising every year… Can you afford to go to college without a purpose and plan?

Here are 5 ways to begin career exploration:

1. Try different assessments to determine what careers may be a good fit for you. Identifying your talents, passions and values is essential to making the right career choice. My Next Move is a quick online assessment of your career interests.

2. Job shadow in career fields that interests you. Check out Job Shadowing Checklist for Teens, Students for tips. You can also tour college campuses and inquire about their programs.

3. Take rigorous courses in high school that are on track with your career interests. Talk to your high school counselor for suggestions and make sure your following a four year plan designed to prepare you for plans after high school.

4. Talk to friends or family that work in career fields you think are interesting. This is a great way to learn first-hand about careers and what lifestyle they afford.

5. Get a summer job, try an internship or volunteer. All of these will be great to add to your college and scholarship applications!


For more opportunities to explore careers, check out the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Mary Ila Ward