Productivity has always been one of our five operating values at Horizon Point. We tie it intimately to our value of passion, which looks something like this: Get stuff done. Get stuff done that is important and that we care about.
We are adamant about protecting the fact that productivity doesn’t dictate how and where and when work’s done, but that it gets done and meets the need.
This mindset hasn’t changed, but throughout 2024 our idea of what it means to be productive has grown and it is captured in our 2024 Book of the Year: Slow Productivity by Cal Newport. Seemingly an oxymoron – How can you be productive and slow? – Newport’s book gets to the heart of what it means to get stuff done that is important through his three premises:
- Do fewer things
- Work at a natural pace
- Obsess over quality.

He points to the fact that, often, we are doing too many things AT ONCE and in an effort to be “productive” we are sabotaging the exact thing we are trying to accomplish. We are also being “pseudo-productive”- acting like being busy is being productive. It is not.
We can actually be more productive if we focus on one thing at a time and hone in on what those things should be – what brings the greatest return? Working at a natural pace helps us maximize our productivity and bring those greater returns, as does obsessing over quality.
If you are like many who think, ha, this is funny, I have zero control over what work I have to do. How can I do fewer things when I’m not in charge of those “things” I have to do? Newport will challenge your thinking on how to reframe your situation. He gives practical solutions on how to execute his three premises.
And if you are leading people and pushing those “things” around to others, Newport’s book may help you rethink your views on productivity and who actually adds and creates the most value on your team. Looking or being busy isn’t productive.
We often overestimate what we can get done in a day, multitasking our way through them, but slow productivity might just be the way we can multiply the underestimation of what we can get done in a year and very well save our sanity in the process.

As always, we are so appreciative of our clients and supporters. We are beyond blessed to do work we can all be productive and passionate about. Thank you for your trust in us and your willingness to innovate the workplace with us.
We hope you enjoy our selection! Happy reading!