Career Change for Athletes

A career as an athlete is something many dream about, but only a small percentage of those who dream of playing a sport actually make that dream come true. After your “glory days” or maybe after you begin a family, you may consider a career change. Regardless of whether you have an injury that forces you to consider a new career or if you are just ready to get out of the game, where do you begin? What’s your next move? There are several careers that allow you to be in the sports arena, just in a different capacity. If

Goal Setting – Diminishing Returns

In my last post, I talked about the importance of goal commitment when setting goals for yourself and/or those you lead. Today, I want to discuss the law of diminishing returns and how it relates to goal setting.  I have honestly thought about a dozen different things that I want to focus on for the New Year, have you?  The law of diminishing returns tells us that the more goals we set, the less likely we are to achieve them.  One goal distracts from another, leaving us less likely to accomplish anything. From a personal perspective, one way to avoid

Goal Setting – A Series

Research has shown that goal setting, if done correctly, is one of the most supported motivational techniques (Jex & Britt 2008). Setting goals can help you maximize success for yourself and/or the people that you lead. We’ve all heard of the acronym “SMART” that guides good goal setting: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time bound I certainly advocate for following these guidelines with any resolution or goal you set. But there are three things that I want to focus on over the next few weeks that have been shown to be important components of goal setting that are not emphasized as

Set Goals Then Forget About Them

Hopefully you’ve gotten your 2015 new years resolutions down on paper and have a way to track attainment towards them. Once you’ve done this, I’d encourage you to forget about the goal(s) for 2015 and instead focus on the process that leads to achieving the goals.  Why? Focusing on the long-term often leads to paralyses in the short term.  For example, if your goal is to lose 100 pounds, this could easily become overwhelming.  If you instead focus on a sub-objective towards that goal of limiting your calorie intake to say, 2000 a day and exercising for 30 minutes 5

Career Spotlight: High School Teacher

Do you love kids? Are you a good communicator who has a passion for coaching and developing others? Is organization one of your strengths? If so, then a career as a High School Teacher may be perfect for you. On the other hand, if you don’t enjoy being around children or are interested in an enormous salary, becoming a teacher may not be a good fit for you. High school teachers help prepare students for life after graduation. They teach academic lessons and various skills that students will need to attend college and to enter the job market. Read more