The generation of participation trophies, therefore, the generation of entitlement. Therefore, the group that thinks their degree, or maybe just the mere fact that they breathe, entitles them to the CEO seat 18 months in. You’ve heard it all. And if they don’t get that CEO seat, by the way, well they are also a generation of job hoppers. But when you talk to most millennials (myself included), you’ll find that they don’t want or expect to have the top job 18 months in, but they may want it at some point in their life. And isn’t that a good
Week 4 Week 4 Mileage: 31 Long Run Distance: 13 I don’t just run to run, and I don’t just work to work. I run for the health benefits, which is probably the most common reason cited to run, but I also run for the social camaraderie, for good conversations, and for the endorphins and productivity it produces. I’m sure there are more reasons, but for now, that will do. Oh, and because it provides good ideas for blog posts. I work, as many primarily do, in order to provide for my family along with my husband. But I
I’ve been focused over the past couple of months writing about how to create innovation in the workplace. Really, being an innovation leader comes down to one simple question: Do you believe people are fundamentally good? Because if you do, you are led to: Hire for diversity Give people freedom with trust at the core Structure rules that help people exhibit the good instead of bringing out the bad So, do you believe people are fundamentally good? Innovate or die. Like this post? You may also like: Leading through Expectations and Empathy 3 Questions for Balancing Empathy and Expectations
Week 3 Mileage: 27 miles (with 6 on the elliptical for cross training) Long run distance: 11 miles “Just keep swimming.” “Crush it.” My two running mantras. The one I use depends on how I’m feeling. The swimming reference from Dory in Finding Nemo is my go to when I just want to stop. When I really just want to quit and take it to the house. I say it to myself often, like on our long run last week when it was blazing hot, and Drew and I both wanted to quit. The Brad Paisley song “Crushin’ It”
“Victory awaits him who has everything in order—luck people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck.” Roald Amundsen -The first person to lead an expedition to reach the South Pole We live in a VUCA – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous- world. Innovation, in part, creates this dynamic. However, creating an environment where innovation can be cultivated and thrive relies on people and businesses having the opposite of this- a house in order. As Jim Collins stated in Great By Choice, leaders who have navigated