Are You Full of Ideas? Where Do They Go?

Call them “ah-ha” moments or moments of clarity, but everyone at some point or another has a great idea pop into their mind. Many of these ideas could be the source of helping you live your mission (see Power of 3 Worksheet), create career satisfaction, and be of source of helping others, but how often do we listen to that voice in our heads?


YouTube came about because three college guys wanted a simple way to share videos online with their friends. They sold YouTube to Google for $1.6 billion a year later. Not to mention, it was selected as the invention of the Year by Time magazine.


Dave Ramsey has become the go-to name in family financial planning. He writes in his book Entreleadership that he was sitting around one morning writing some goals down and came up with the idea to“Develop a high-touch support group concept that is a seminar and counseling.” This became Financial Peace University which has now helped millions of people live debt free.

A friend of mine was struggling with where to store a ladder in his garage so that it was out of the way. He thought other people might have the same problem too. He came up with a simple device to store a ladder overhead in a garage or on a ceiling that included a simple way to get it down. His idea was patented and is now being sold through a third party company that gets it in big name retailers.

How to Capitalize on Your Ideas?


1. Keep a Notebook Handy

The first place to start with these ideas is actually getting them down on paper.


2. Find a Need and Fill It

Notice anything in common with all three of the examples? They all were people who saw a need and their idea found a way to meet that need. The focus became on helping others do something easier or live better lives.


3. ACT!

I would imagine that on average, most people have about three ideas fleet through their mind in a week. Some may be good, some may be bad, but what’s a shame is that the majority of these ideas are not written down, much less acted upon. They are simply forgotten. After you’ve taken the step to write down you ideas, revisit them weekly and determine where you need to act. Get input from others, do some research, but act on what you feel like can meet a need and help you live your mission.


What’s the idea have you been mulling over that you need to act on?


Mary Ila Ward