5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Going Out on Your Own to Start a Business

Today’s post is a video of founder of Horizon Point Consulting, Inc., Mary Ila Ward, discussing her path to entrepreneurship.  She addresses the following five questions in the video for those considering a business start-up:

  1. Can you stick your foot in the water before jumping in full force? If not, have you planned financially to jump out on your own all at once?
  2. How are you building relationships now to foster potential success for going out on your own in the future?
  3. Is entrepreneurship right for you?  What is your motivation for doing what you are doing?
  4. Do you have a support system in place to do it?
  5. Finally and most importantly, do you have something that people want and need?  If you aren’t meeting a need you won’t be successful.



Mary Ila Ward