10 Quotes from Cy Wakeman at #SHRM19

10 Quotes from Cy Wakeman at #SHRM19 on Ensuring Your Team is Ready for What’s Next

Our team attended the SHRM Annual Conference this year, and Cy Wakeman said 10 things that resonated with us. Read on for the Cy quotes, and follow along with The Point Blog for more insights from speakers and authors.

“Change isn’t as hard when we embrace it incrementally. One upgrade on your phone is easier than converting from a flip phone to the newest version.  Get people to a state of readiness.”

“A leader’s new role: Help employees eliminate emotional waste by facilitating good mental processes.”

“Not everything is a change initiative- most of it is just your daily job.”

“Unreadiness for change causes surprise, panic, and blame.”

“Change doesn’t hurt, resisting change is what hurts.  People don’t get hurt falling down, they hurt resisting the fall.”

“Your preference can’t trump the business case. Don’t favor preference over potential.”

“Stop trying to please everyone during change.”

“Standardize as much as you can in order to scale.”

“You’ve got work with the willing and activate them.”

“Too many people are asking to be empowered. But empowerment is really stepping into your own power.”


Mary Ila Ward