Will your Current Resume Bypass an Applicant Tracking System?

Will your Current Resume Bypass an Applicant Tracking System?

As most of you know, I am a Certified Professional Resume Writer. I do my best to stay abreast of current trends in resume writing. I recently viewed a webinar regarding developing a resume for today’s market. One hot topic discussed was Applicant Tracking Systems. Did you know 90% of resumes are going through some type of online Applicant Tracking System? Will your resume make it through an ATS?

Here are 3 Tips to Develop an Applicant Tracking System friendly resume: 

  1. Use Key Words (include a Summary or Skills Section) – Check out JobScan.co; it’s a great tool!
  2. Use Simple Formatting (avoid columns and text boxes).
  3. Use common names for the headings (Professional Experience, Education, Skills, etc.).

Resume Writing Academy offers free resources on their website! Check out this site for more tips on current resume trends.

If you are a career development professional, check out our continuing education courses! We have a resume writing basics course beginning in early 2021. Here is a link to register: https://horizonpointconsulting.com/continued-education/.

Check back often as we continue to post more course offerings.


Taylor Simmons