Open the Door to Communication, Encouragement & Relationships

We have an active group text at HPC. It is rare for a day to go by that I’m not receiving (or sending) a text from (or to) our team. The content varies – a funny meme, a word of encouragement, a link to an innovative podcast or book, or a picture of a new pet. The subject of the messages change daily, but the intent does not. The constant stream of communication conveys how we encourage one another, share ideas and help us become a stronger team.

As with most success stories, our team dynamic starts from the top. Our President/CEO is a servant leader who actively listens, communicates and builds relationships. I’ve often said “she makes me want to be a better person.” She truly has a heart for others and opens her home, her door, her table to everyone. The best example I can think of when reflecting on opening the door to communication, encouragement & relationships is our monthly one-on-one meetings. Those conversations are full of encouragement and enlightenment, and they always leave me feeling ready to conquer the next month along with all the projects & challenges that go along with it.

How do you improve your communication skills? Check out Lorrie’s tips here:

Make it Effective … Improve Communication Within Your Organization

To learn more about building relationships, read insights from Jillian’s blog:

What’s Relationshipping, & How Do I Do It?

How do you open the door to communication, encouragement and build relationships? Check out What We Do at HPC, and let us know how we can help!


Taylor Simmons