Marketing Your Core Values and Culture

How does your company market your core values and culture? What do candidates see when they look at your website? Are your values and culture emphasized during the hiring process?

  • 76% of candidates want details on what makes the company an attractive place to work. (Glassdoor survey, October 2014)
  • Nearly 80% of Millennials look for people and culture fit with employers, followed by career potential. (Collegefeed, March 2014)
  • 77% of job seekers go to Company Websites to look for jobs. (Gallup State of the American Workplace Report 2017)

If you’re not marketing your core values and culture, you may be losing out on attracting top talent. According to the 2017 LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends, 61% of those surveyed said that the best channel to build an employer brand is through the company’s career site, followed by LinkedIn at 55%, and Third-party websites or job boards at 40%.

Try to look at your company’s career site through the eyes of an applicant. What sets you apart from other potential employers? What benefits does your organization offer that might attract potential candidates? Is your company culture reflected on the career site?

Next, make sure your organization has a solid LinkedIn profile and post regularly. Ask current employees to follow your company page and share posts. Do the same with other social media outlets, such as Facebook and Twitter. Share pictures from company events that show the camaraderie outside of the office.

And then look at third-party sites and job boards such as Glassdoor. Many candidates look to sites like Glassdoor to get a true feeling of what it’s like to work at a company. Employees and candidates can review organizations, share salary information & interview questions, rate the CEO, and much more. What does your Glassdoor profile say about your organization? Does your organization respond to reviews that are posted on Glassdoor and other sites? While you can’t control the reviews that are posted to Glassdoor, you can control their impact based on how you manage your profile and respond to negative feedback.

  • Employer branding has a significant impact on hiring talent according to 80% of recruiters. (LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends 2017)

What message does your current employer branding send to potential candidates?

For more on employer branding, read our blog post The Candidate Experience Influences the Brand.


Lorrie Coffey