Horizon Point welcomes Lorrie Coffey to our team!

Introducing Lorrie Coffey! 

If anyone had asked me when I was in college what field I wanted to go into, Human Resources wouldn’t even have been on my list of possibilities. There are those of us who know what we are destined for and then there are those of us, like myself, who seem to stumble upon it when we least expect it. I like to say that I didn’t find HR, it found me.

I started my HR career working for a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) providing outsourced HR services to clients that ranged from small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, and I loved it! During my career I have helped companies that didn’t have formal HR policies and procedures in place get a solid foundation built as well as help companies with a crumbling foundation restore it.

My dad owns a construction company in my home state of Virginia, and I grew up helping him build and remodel homes. I know I’m biased, but my dad is extremely talented in his field and I’ve always admired him for what he creates. I’ve always loved watching something beautiful being built from the ground up, or watching a run down old house turned into something new again. My dad taught me to have very strong work ethics, but he also gave me a love for building and fixing things. While my dad’s end results definitely yield a much more aesthetically pleasing product, my end results are just as rewarding and beneficial to my clients as his results are.

I am an HR Consultant at heart. Just as my dad is passionate about what he creates, I am passionate about HR. I often describe HR as a complex puzzle and I thrive on figuring out how to fit all those pieces together into a finished masterpiece. I am excited to join the team at Horizon Point Consulting as a Talent Management Consultant and look forward to helping our clients solve their HR puzzles.


Lorrie Coffey