Give Back Feature- Ben Eubanks

Making HR Better- One Pro at a Time is Ben Eubank’s mission.   Ben, who started his career in Human Resources in 2008, has a passion for his field that gets him up at 5 AM on the weekends to blog and develop other content to help HR professionals become better at what they do. He does this in addition to holding down a full-time HR role himself and raising three young children with his wife (and he runs quite a bit too!). The results of Ben’s efforts have led to national speaking opportunities, recognition for his efforts in global publications

Passion + Productivity = Give Back: Education Elements

Education Elements, an organization that helps school districts personalize learning, embodies the saying “Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand” in their approach to education. Because of their belief that learning can be customized for every student, powerful results are being seen across the nation in student outcomes. Their story demonstrates how passion + productivity for the work that they do and for improving K-12 education leads to students who are better prepared by their education for college and career so that they can give back to their communities as

Passion + Productivity = Give Back (Fitness)

As January comes to a close, many of us are saddled with the potential reality that our new years resolutions, many of them fitness and health related, are falling by the wayside. Susan Ozier, a Health and Fitness Coach, knows how many of us feel when it comes to this reality and is using her personal experience to fuel passion and productivity to give back to others in a way that helps them achieve their goals. She is passionate about helping other women learn how to eat healthy and in turn feed their family healthy foods because when a person

Passion + Productivity = Give Back (Real Estate)

As I walk into Micor to talk with their Vice President, Dave Ponegalek, about how they demonstrate passion + productivity = give back in the work that they do, there are signs on every door in the building that say “Thank you Ms. Lydia for your 5 years of service.”   When I arrived, I saw “Ms. Lydia” as most affectionately call her, walking over from the other building with a huge cake in her hand.  Her anniversary cake.  Everyone in the company has been over at the building celebrating her five years of contribution to the company. Although Dave never

Passion + Productivity = Give Back (Manufacturing)

Making a transition back into the workplace can be challenging for a stay-at-home mom or dad that has been out of the workplace for quite some time, but with a focus on discerning what your passionate about, how that can make you productive and how that leads to you giving back to a cause, community or purpose that you love, the transition is not quite as hard as it seems. Whitney Clemons, a realtor with Ben Porter ERA did just that.   Trained as an Accountant at the University of Alabama, Whitney spent time in her twenties working as an accountant