Tuesdays from 4:00- 5:00 pm. In the car. While our middle child is in gymnastics, I have found that this hour of concentrated time in a concentrated space leads to some productive homework time with my oldest. While his newborn brother snoozes in his car seat, we tackle third-grade homework. And there is a lot of it. Take our list for Tuesday of this past week: -A math worksheet due Wednesday -At least 10 minutes of multiplication facts practice that has to be signed off on each day by a parent for a grade -Practice for a vocabulary test on
Note: This is the second of a two-part post on the value of abiding in patience in order to achieve the best kind of learning. The previous post focuses on the value of this practice, whereas this post focuses on how to actually do it. As leaders, we are often called to help others learn. To grow people in ways that lead to positive outcomes for themselves and for those they impact is our job. Leaders make more leaders. And this need to facilitate learning is sometimes hard to figure out how to do because we often have a hard time
10 Quotes from Cy Wakeman at #SHRM19 on Ensuring Your Team is Ready for What’s Next Our team attended the SHRM Annual Conference this year, and Cy Wakeman said 10 things that resonated with us. Read on for the Cy quotes, and follow along with The Point Blog for more insights from speakers and authors. “Change isn’t as hard when we embrace it incrementally. One upgrade on your phone is easier than converting from a flip phone to the newest version. Get people to a state of readiness.” “A leader’s new role: Help employees eliminate emotional waste by facilitating good
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ― Howard Thurman Watch this video from this week’s America’s Got Talent to see this quote in action. It will inspire you, I promise.
Have you ever been around someone that waffled on everything? Whether big or small, with each decision they go back and forth and back and forth until the decision, oftentimes, becomes null and void. Also, oftentimes, they only worry about what others are thinking in making a decision instead of moving forward based on what is right and best for them personally. By and large, leaders are decision makers. Establishing personal leadership requires sound personal decision making and being confident in those decisions. This is necessary before you can make decisions that impact others and/or an organization. It is difficult to