6 People You Need to Build Social Capital With

“The moment you partner with somebody, you tap into something you never had access to before. You gain their knowledge, experience, influence, and potential. When you are already achieving at a highly efficient level, you don’t gain a great increase by getting significantly better yourself.  You gain it by partnering or connecting with other good people who bring something different to the table.  And that makes you better.” John Maxwell, Intentional Living John Maxwell points to a great truth in this quote.  We can only make ourselves exponentially better through partnerships with others. As we round out a focus on social capital,

Social Capital How-To: 5 Steps to Build the #1 Competency You Should be Developing

Due to technical difficulties last week, we are sharing this topic again. We have made a few changes and added some additional tips and tools. We hope you enjoy the read and find the information beneficial!   One competency you need to be building, regardless of who you are and what you do, is social capital. But creating a to-do list or development plan for building this competency is not something that comes naturally. For most,it’s like something that grows organically and exponentially once you do it. And to a large extent, this is true. But like all good things

3 Reasons Why Social Capital Should Be the Number 1 Competency You are Developing

If you missed us last week, check out our first post on social capital. For those of you who want to keep moving along with this post, know that social capital “…refers to the collective value of all “social networks” [who people know] and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other [“norms of reciprocity”].” Now, more than ever, you need to be developing social capital to bring your A game to work.  Why? Strong social capital saves you time.As a part of a few HR groups, it is rare for a week to go by

Don’t Network, Develop Your Social Capital

I find that the trouble most people have with “networking” boils down to two things: It scares the-you-know what out of them. Someone recently came to me seeking advice on how to advance his career. This happens a lot, but his response was interesting.  I told him to start networking. He responded that under no uncertain circumstances was he going to do that because it just wasn’t his personality.  He went on to say that if he had to be someone he is not to get ahead, then he shouldn’t do it. He wasn’t going to try to kiss you-know-what

GREAT REALITIES OF MANAGEMENT: It’s Not Your Fault, But It’s Your Problem…

By Kris Dunn It’s one of the unwritten rules of management. It’s also one of the hardest things for new managers to wrap their heads around. “It’s not your fault, but it’s your problem.” Let’s deconstruct that a bit.  New managers were often very high performing individual contributors (ICs). The great thing about being an IC is that you only have to worry about one person – and that person is you. But your performance as an IC convinced us that you’d make a good manager of people. For the most part that’s true. One point that sneaks up on