Give Back Story—Just Give it a Whirl!

Sometimes we discover our talents and our passions when we least expect them, and that is often when we are using them to meet a need. It often takes someone else to recognize the talent and passion within us. Ginny Pylant, discovered her talents for the visual arts, when she needed a large piece of art for the living room of her home and a friend saw what she had done. “Having just moved in and done a lot of updating to a new home our budget was not conducive to the hefty price tag that went along with the

Leaders Start with Gratitude

We have a bedtime ritual with our four year old: Brush teeth Practice letters/numbers Read a book Say one thing we are thankful for from that day Prayer Although all of them are important for various reasons, number 4 seems to be the one that never gets left out. Sometimes we are all tired and don’t want to practice letters or numbers or read a book. Sometimes we even forget to brush our teeth (maybe that goes back to being too tired) and even pray, but regardless of where we are, what time it is, or how long of a

How do you make your resume stand out among the thousands of others received by employers?

Resume writing is among my favorite tasks in my role as a career consultant. I enjoy getting to know clients and assisting them in their job search by making their resumes the best they can possibly be by providing results of their past achievements. In my personal professional development, I’ve taken various courses on resume writing and have learned many tricks of the trade. Key words, proper formatting and the importance of providing “results” are all key aspects of developing an awesome resume. Check out these links to help you with each of these: 4 Easy Steps to Know Which

Midlife Career Change – Is it for you?

Are you halfway to retirement and considering a career change? Maybe you’re in a role that is being eliminated or just ready to try something new as you dive in to the last half of your career. Where do you begin? First, a career assessment is a great place to start. My Next Move is a free one that can be completed online or we can help you with an in-depth assessment that examines your personality and desired skills and abilities. Another great resource for making a career change is the internet. You can search for “in-demand” careers online. According

Leadership lessons from a 4 year old

A friend shared with me the struggles she is having with her pre-schooler’s behavior. Been there, done that. The good thing is, there always seems to be a leadership lesson in the raising of children. In fact, I’ve even written about the leadership lessons learned from our then two year old’s biting bent. My friend said she is dealing with some pretty intense temper tantrums, talking back, lashing out, and yes, she even is throwing things. After asking my friend about why the issues seem to be arising, and they seem to be happening at school more and more often,