2 TIPS FOR CLIMBING AND 2 TIPS FOR LEANING YOUR LADDER AGAINST THE RIGHT WALL In talking to some top performing college students today, I realized that they have what it takes to climb the rungs: 1. You don’t have to give them m&ms to motivate them. They are self-motivated and conscientious. This is a characteristic that employers want. In fact, coupled with IQ, this is the greatest predictor of job performance across all jobs. Here’s some more info on the analogy of the m&ms. 2. They can wait for another marshmallow. They have the ability to delay gratification
Over the last week, I’ve given a lot of thought into which client I should highlight as an example of discovering talents. There have been many, all unique, with so many talents to share. I anticipate using this person as an example throughout the process of describing how you discover yourself and match it to the market, so it has been difficult to pick the “best” one. With much thought, I’ve decided to make this example personal. No, I’m not going to describe myself and my journey, but I’m not going to use a paying client either. Instead, I’m going
LESSONS ON LEADERSHIP FROM BOB WOODWARD I had the unique opportunity to hear Bob Woodward, who along with Carl Bernstein broke the Watergate Scandal, speak in a private session to the Blackburn Institute at the University of Alabama. Bob was asked the question, “What advice would you give to students about leadership?” Instead of giving points on leadership, or even discussing one of the seven Presidents he has interviewed, he told the story of Katharine Graham, owner of the Washington Post. By describing the key points of one of their discussions about the Watergate story he emphasized these key points: She was “mind
The first step in finding your light is to know yourself. The three pieces of knowing yourself involve discovering your talents, passions and values. We’ll start first with identifying your talents. There are many ways to define and identify talents, but for the purpose of career exploration and development, I think they best way to identify your talents is to define them in the way that employers do. After all, the whole point of knowing yourself is so that you can be able to find a career that you enjoy doing so that your light can shine. KSAOs – Knowledge,