Written by guest blogger: Steve Graham What role do employee-mentoring programs have? Mentoring programs have a tremendous impact on employee development, talent retention, and engagement. Employees crave feedback and often seek someone who has walked their path. Offering a formal mentoring program demonstrates the organizations commitment to talent development. It also allows for assistance in developing a career path, and answering the often-asked question, “How do I get where you are?”. One common reason for turnover is lack of professional growth. Mentoring offers a chance for an employee to discuss many of the same concerns their mentor once had. This
Written by guest blogger: Jackie Waters. Jackie is passionate about sustainability and simplicity. She runs hyper-tidy.com, providing advice on being…Hyper Tidy! Graduating college is a huge milestone in anyone’s life, but it can also be a little scary. Where do you go from here? How do you start building savings while you’re looking for your dream job? Those questions can be overwhelming if you let them, so the first step is to sit down and write out a plan. Think about your goals and how you can shape them; are you just ready to plan for the immediate future, or do you
Branding is an important marketing topic. Some organizations invest heavily in a brand strategy that reaches many audiences, including the job seeker. A great brand attracts job candidates to an organization. As a marketer and HR professional, I have a unique perspective on this topic. The marketer side understands the importance of brand equity and the HR side values the role it plays in talent acquisition. Some organizations fail to make this connection. Other organizations offer poor candidate experiences, which cast a negative image. As a result, it harms the brand while turning away potential talent. Over the years, I
By guest blogger: Steve Graham “Rounding” is a term most people associate with doctors. Doctors make rounds to check on patients and engage with those involved in patient care. This practice has existed for decades in healthcare. In most business environments rounding is not as common, but it should be! In his best selling book, Hardwiring Excellence, Quint Studer comments on how leaders tend to be task-oriented, however, most people desire a deeper level of connection. According to Studer, almost 40% of staff leaves due to a poor relationship with their supervisor or manager (Studer 2003). One great thing about
Written by guest blogger: Jackie Waters. Jackie is passionate about sustainability and simplicity. She runs hyper-tidy.com, providing advice on being…Hyper Tidy! Planning for the future sounds like a scary, overwhelming task, but once we reach a certain age it’s imperative to have a plan in place for finances, living situations, education, and emergencies, and not just for yourself–for your children too. Many people find it difficult to budget for next month, let alone ten years down the road, but there are several easy ways to help you can start planning for the future and give yourself peace of mind; you just have