Love is an Action Word

Ever heard of the saying that “love is an action word?” If that’s true, then how do you “act” like you love someone? With it being Valentine’s Day, you may be thinking of candy, cards & flowers. Imagery of red roses or big pink, heart shaped boxes may be dancing in your mind. This might be the love that you would show a partner or someone that you care deeply about. Love goes beyond our feelings, it is an expression of gratitude for that person. How does it feel to have someone show up for you in this way? Do

Who Will You Be in 2023?

The idea that “The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be” has been coming up as a theme in my life these past few months. First in the form of a children’s book by Joanna Gaines, given to my son Wyatt by his Honey. Then, when Mary Ila hired me, and gifted me with a wall hanging that says the phrase. I think the Universe, God, Spirit, may have been conspiring to write that on my heart. Well, jokes on me! It has worked. I often think of the ways my past can serve me in my future. How

The Point’s Top 10 Posts of 2022

2022 has been a year of growth for us here at Horizon Point. We have had a great time keeping you informed on a wide variety of topics throughout the year. Every post we’ve written and shared, no matter the subject, we’ve strived to inform you on subjects that will help you professionally. Our team is happy to help keep you up to date with the latest information to better your career, your work environment, or your organization!  Here is a look back at The Point’s Top 10 Posts of 2022: 6 Steps for Choosing Leadership Training Content and 7

Top 10 Servant Leadership Quotes

Servant Leadership is a term that gets thrown around haphazardly in the business world, but what exactly does it mean? It appears that there is a unique art to this style of leadership, and it all begins with an unselfish mindset. True Servant Leadership is about other people. Here are 10 thought-provoking Servant Leadership quotes. “Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.” –Simon Sinek “You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people. You can’t save the people, if you don’t serve the people.” – Dr. Cornel West

Special Post: Welcome to the Team, Emily!

This week’s post is a special one. Horizon Point is growing again! We are absolutely thrilled to welcome Emily Addison to our team, and Emily is excited to introduce herself to our community of partners, friends, and supporters. Without further ado, let’s meet Emily!  Hi, I’m Emily Addison, and I will be the new Operations Specialist for the Horizon Point Consulting team! I live in Florence, Alabama with my son, Wyatt. I have a degree in Business Administration and a concentration in Human Resource Management from Auburn University. War Eagle! I am truly grateful to be working with such a