Another Year Around the Sun; Focus for 2023

I celebrated my birthday last week. The older I get, the more I realize there are only a handful of things
in life that are truly important. Since my birthday falls in early January, it is a great time to reflect on what
went well and what didn’t the previous year, and to set intentions for focus for the upcoming year.

Prior to writing this post, my daughter, a high school senior, asked me to proofread a college scholarship
essay. I may be biased, but it was wonderful. She gets it. It helped me realize that maybe I am doing
something right, and also confirmed my thoughts on what goals and intentions are truly worth my effort.
Here is just a small blurb from the essay:

…as I try to listen to my teacher explain the economical state of our country. After I finish my homework
during class, I watch the tiny seconds hand of the clock tick by as I wait for the class to end. When the
day is done, I let out a sigh of relief as I know I am about to go home to the most important thing in my
life: my family, the people I know without a doubt believe I can achieve whatever I set my mind to, no
matter the circumstances…

At Horizon Point, we determine an annual theme every January. As a team, we talk through business
development, focus, and direction for the year. I have decided to do the same in my personal life. A few
areas I hope to focus on this year are health, financial wellness, career goals all while keeping my faith
and family at the center of it all.

Do you set goals or action plans for the new year or on your birthday? Here are a couple of previous
blog posts to inspire you to take action.

4 Things my Goals Taught me in 2022 about how to be Brave in 2023

Do You Have a Plan of Action to Reach Your Goals?


Taylor Simmons