What does Culture have to do with a Job Fair?

A friend of mine once shared with me a story of leaving a job to pursue one that seemed like a great opportunity. Soon after taking the new job, she discovered the culture was a nightmare. The company owner had terrible temper and was not necessarily following appropriate guidelines for the business they were in. Needless to say, it was not a culture fit for her and she moved on to find another job. When determining your next career move, culture should definitely be a considering factor.

In the next few weeks, we will be talking about culture on The Point Blog. What do job fairs and culture have in common? More than you realize. Although it may be cliché to say it, but when you have an opportunity to interview or interact with a potential employer, you are sizing them up, just as they are you. Job fairs are one opportunity to determine culture fit.

Here are a few do’s and don’ts to help prepare you for your next job fair (including factoring in culture fit):


  • Research the company (including mission, values, products & services, available jobs and hiring managers). Check out company websites and hiring manager LinkedIn profiles to help you get started.
  • Bring copies of your resume.
  • Dress for success (and take a bath!)
  • Prepare an elevator pitch – Don’t have one? Check out Networking During the Holidays to help you develop one.
  • Ask questions – remember you’re not only there to find a job but to also determine culture fit.


  • Bring your mom – unless she is applying too, leave parental units at home.
  • Forget to follow-up – that includes applying for the job you are interested in online and/or sending a thank you note when applicable.

Read more of our culture related blogs here (& stay tuned for more blogs about culture!)


Taylor Simmons