Welcome to the March 2025 Leadership Development Carnival! Horizon Point is excited to host the carnival this month, featuring posts from leadership experts from around the globe on the topics of communication, development, engagement, motivation, productivity, team building, and more. The Framework for Organizational Excellence by John Spence Excellence isn’t accidental—it’s built with purpose. My new Organizational Excellence Framework brings together the key elements of success: purpose, culture, strategy, innovation, and simplicity. Read to see how it all comes together. How To Build a Better Relationship with Your Difficult (Icy) Boss by Karin Hurt You know the type: the difficult
We are honored to host this month’s Leadership Development Carnival. At Horizon Point, we find that each month the carnival is filled with rich content to enhance your knowledge of Leadership. We hope that you enjoy it as much as we do! Communication Is Empathy Dying?Sadly empathy seems to be dying. It can be devastating to relationships… both personal and professional. Learn why this is important and how you can reclaim it. — Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE (@macdarling) Divided we fail, in dialogue we create the futureIn this time of challenges we need dialogue and solutions but we see polarization. Also at work, you must