Networking During the Holiday Season

For job seekers, the holidays can put a hold on the job search. So, what should you do while everyone is enjoying time off from work? Since more than 50% of jobs are filled through networking, use this down time to network, network, network!

Networking can be intimidating. The best way to overcome the fear is to develop an elevator speech, practice, and network every chance you get.

The University of Denver offers these guidelines for developing an elevator speech:

  • Keep your commercial simple and brief, and always include who you are, what you want to do and why it matters (or what the employer/client will get out of it).
  • Use a story or example to demonstrate your best qualities.
  • Use strong, action-packed words and speak in a confident, personable tone.
  • Be relevant. List the accomplishments (paid, unpaid, work, education or life experiences) that are relevant and compelling to your audience.
  • If job searching, be clear about the job title, function and industry you are interested in.
  • Practice your commercial, but don’t memorize; you want to sound natural!
  • Make a connection between yourself and your new acquaintance. End with a question to draw the contact into the conversation.


Here is a list of networking opportunities to get you started (note the opportunistic ones!):

  • Personal Relationships (family, close friends, social groups)
  • Professional Relationships (colleagues, professional associations)
  • Associations (alumni, community, licensing, etc.)
  • Opportunistic (a woman you meet on the bus, a man next to you at the gym, online networks, etc.)


Taylor Simmons