How Can Assessments Benefit You & Your Team?

I spoke with a young man recently who was in limbo regarding his career path. He had completed his bachelor’s degree and wasn’t sure where to go from there. He was in need of a little affirmation and direction. After our initial conversation, we started with an interest inventory. It confirmed the initial career path he had always considered. He had gotten a little side-tracked and just needed some assurance of his path and next steps. After we discussed the assessment results, I provided the next steps and contacts to set up appointments for his continuing education to pursue his dream job.

Assessments are a great tool for providing insight and direction for individuals of all ages who are unsure of career direction. Interest inventories, skills assessments, values-based assessments & even personality assessments can be valuable in assisting students and adults with career development and career decisions. There are so many options out there. Here are a few free options I use often:

  1. Interest: My Next Move 
  2. Personality: 16 Personalities 
  3. Values: Work Values Matcher 

Check out these articles for more insight into assessments & their value:

Your Guide to Understanding Career Assessments (via Indeed)

Reasons to Learn More About Your Personality Type (via Very Well Mind)

Clarifying Your Work Values Leads to Job Satisfaction (via The Balance Careers)

Assessments can be used in many other ways – hiring, team building, discovering leadership potential, and the list goes on! Did you know we offer assessments at Horizon Point? We can help you with career direction, hiring for fit, building your team as well as identifying and coaching your high potential employees. Let us know if we can help!


Taylor Simmons