7 Ways to Complete the Stress Cycle

We’ve been looking at all things workplace wellness throughout the fall, seeking to provide insight to ourselves and our clients about how to create workplaces where people can thrive.  A lot of the impetus is put on individuals to manage their wellness and stress.  This has its place but is also up to organizational leaders to help create systems and structures that give people the ability to survive and thrive at work.  This will impact how they also thrive in all aspects of life given that people do not live and operate in silos.  A thought-provoking book that is geared

World Mental Health Day- October 10th, 2021

As World Mental Health Day approaches, let’s help end the stigma around mental health in the workplace.  Did you know?  Pre-Covid, 19% of adults in the US experienced a mental illness, and that number has increased 1.5 million since the start of the pandemic. (MHA) 24% of adults with a mental illness report an unmet need for treatment. This number has not declined since 2011. (MHA) 10.8% of Americans with a mental illness are uninsured. (MHA) 1 in 5 Americans experiences mental illness. (NAMI) Only 45% of American adults with mental illness seek treatment. (NAMI) Mental Health America ranks states

3 Reasons to Give and Take Extended Leave

Today I’ve been back at work for one week. Back at work after four weeks of extended personal leave. I could write a full-length novel about the why, how, who, and what of my semi-sabbatical experience. The short version is: every employer should give extended paid leave, and every employee should take it. I’ll give you three reasons. 1. We are People First.  People First is the single most important Horizon Point mantra. We live it and breathe it every day. That’s how we got here – this place in time where each of our team members is taking 4+

Is it Time to Kill the 40-Hour Workweek?

Americans work an average of 41.5 hours per week, with 11.1% working over 50 hours per week. World Population Review Americans work 137 more hours per year than Japanese workers, 260 more hours per year than British workers, and 499 more hours per year than French workers. International Labour Organization   Based on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, productivity per American worker has increased 400% since 1950. Meaning Americans should be able to accomplish in 10 hours per week what it took 40 hours to accomplish in 1950. Yet, we are still working 40 hours per week. 

Your Local Wage Survey is a Gold Mine

Does your area have a local wage and/or benefit survey? Do you participate? You should! Here’s why and how.  National wage reports are helpful to study the big picture of economic growth, but these reports might not (probably don’t) reflect the small picture of your business in your community. Further, a 2021 study found that U.S. workers may get 19% less than federal estimates: Some tools, like CompAnalyst and SHRM, offer comprehensive data (for a hefty fee) that can be helpful in determining pay ranges and comparing company wage data to industry benchmarks. We use resources like these for some