Assessing As a Student Intern

Written by: Lucy Orr, student intern with Horizon Point Consulting

My name is Lucy Orr. I am going into my senior year in high school and I am interning with Horizon Point Consulting this summer. 

For many high schoolers, summertime means time for a summer job. For several summers, I have wanted a summer job that will give me experience in and exposure to many fields. At this point, I do not know what I want to do in my future career- there are so many options!

Because my junior year was cut short due to the pandemic, I have had time to think about my future in a lot of different ways. Some fields definitely interest me more than others, but I know there are so many that I have not yet explored. Because there are so many great choices in terms of a career, it’s hard to know where to begin looking. The more I thought about my upcoming internship at Horizon Point, the more my excitement grew! While I originally wanted to see how I could help the company, I realized that I would be learning so much from them as well. I have already seen many different jobs that I didn’t even know existed- several of which interest me.

My first personal encounter with the company was through EDGE Student Leadership with the Decatur-Morgan Chamber of Commerce. In several EDGE meetings, members of the Horizon Point Consulting team came to talk with us about various topics: identifying personal strengths and interests, exploring potential career paths, prioritizing daily activities, and understanding interview etiquette. Horizon Point Consulting intrigued me not only because of the range of topics they presented but also because of the unity in their goal to prepare us for success in the workplace and in life. I knew, however, that Horizon Point’s main focus as a company is helping other businesses, not teenagers. I wanted to see what their work looked like on a larger scale… in the “real world.” 

Through working with Horizon Point this summer, I hope to gain exposure to the many different aspects of how the company is run. I know I will learn so much just by observing their thoughtful decision making, strategies, and goals. I also hope that, through this job, I can get a better idea of what may interest me in a college major or career. Horizon Point helps a variety of businesses in a variety of ways. Maybe one of these businesses or one of the ways they help them will help me decide what I do or do not want in a future job!

What new interests were you able to explore with your extra time? How will you act on these new interests?


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