Emily Collins

Emily Collins is the newest member of the team at Horizon Point Consulting. With a background in customer service, dispatching and administrative roles, Emily is our Operations Specialist. Her job is to stay five steps ahead of the Horizon Point team, tracking all the administrative details and clearing the path for each team member to make the greatest contribution.
Emily’s heart is set on helping others, as her mission statement reads, “To have a servant’s heart. I will strive to live a life that is shaped by spiritual principles and to practice those principles in all my daily interactions. I will keep a Godly focus in order to give back the best version of myself to others.” She values connection and encouragement and is involved in her recovery family and church. Emily serves her community by mentoring women and leading small groups.
She graduated from Auburn University with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a concentration in Human Resource Management as well as studied abroad in Salamanca, Spain at the Centro Universitario Maristo. She recently became a SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP).
Emily lives in Florence, Alabama with her husband Tyler and son Wyatt.