This week kicks off a brand-new series here at The Point Blog. The Fall brings a new school year and with that, all things Professional Development. Some would consider this topic a snooze fest, but if it is tailored to an individual’s needs and desires for career growth, it can be one of the most exciting things that you get to do! Mary Ila supports our interests by meeting with us for monthly one on ones and asks us what we would like to be doing and the best way that the company can support our future goals. We also
We are honored to host this month’s Leadership Development Carnival. At Horizon Point, we find that each month the carnival is filled with rich content to enhance your knowledge of Leadership. We hope that you enjoy it as much as we do! Communication Is Empathy Dying?Sadly empathy seems to be dying. It can be devastating to relationships… both personal and professional. Learn why this is important and how you can reclaim it. — Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE (@macdarling) Divided we fail, in dialogue we create the futureIn this time of challenges we need dialogue and solutions but we see polarization. Also at work, you must
We swung for the fences and came up short…Yeah, you win some, you lose some, it ain’t always home runsAnd that’s just the way life plays…Morgan Wallen A few years ago, I was facilitating a DiSC training session with one of my colleagues. We use a motivation checklist tied to the DiSC Personality Model to emphasize that different things motivate different people. We always encourage people to ask a peer what they think motivates them. Based on the behaviors you observe in another person, “What do you think makes them tick?” is the question we ask. I asked my colleague
“Employees don’t quit their job, they quit their manager.” How many times have you heard that phrase? Have you ever identified so much with it, thinking its origin may in fact be you for how well it resonates with your experiences? Well, I have. I worked with a large company for almost 3 years, holding 2 different jobs within that time, searching for a position that would maintain my attention and highlight my skills coupled with a manager who would invest in me as both an employee and a person. In those 3 years, I found neither of those things
Last week Emily complimented me in her blog post when she spoke of the struggles I have faced in the last year and my ability to persevere through them. (Thanks, Emily!) And she’s not wrong. I have been that way for as long as I can remember; not letting anything stop me or get in my way. My dad taught me to have determination and I am so grateful that he did. But that determination and perseverance go hand in hand with the ability to be vulnerable. And this is where I used to fall short, very short. It wasn’t