How to Train Leaders to Act with Courage

I remember when I got feedback one time after a leadership training session that the training needed to include more role-playing. I hate role-playing. Or at least participating in it, so I assumed everyone else hates the exercise of pretending too. But besides hating it, I thought there were other learning methods that could emulate the same type of result that role-playing could, so I avoided it. But when I think about trying to coach and teach people through critical leadership moments- those that require courage- role-playing, or at least practicing what needs to be done may be the best

How to Know When to Fire the Prima Donna

How do you know when to fire the prima donna? You know one when you see one. Before you can define exactly what a prima donna is, you can name one. In the flesh. And they have most likely made your work life hell at some point or another. Prima Donna – noun: “a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as a part of a team.” Merriam-Webster What do you do when faced with one?  Or, how do you get leadership to realize there is one in your midst?   For a variety of

#MeToo and the Onslaught of Sexual Harassment Training Requests

Long about mid-December when you couldn’t turn on the news without hearing about the next case of pervasive sexual harassment in every facet of the working world, our phone and inbox started blowing up with requests for sexual harassment training and training resources. Almost every HR leader was given direction from the C-Suite and/or self-directed to try to take the bull by the horns and “train” people on sexual harassment before they got hit with a claim in their workplace. Whereas I think driving a culture through behavioral actions is the best way to keep sexual harassment or any other

“There’s no bathroom for me here…” Finding Your Voice

I sat down to watch a movie a week or so ago with my husband.  I average getting through about one full movie a year (apart from the Disney movies that are constantly playing at my house…. “Let it go, Let it go…. Oh, I digress….) so I’m ahead of schedule this year. It was a movie I asked my husband to get, Hidden Figures, and after three months of it sitting in its Netflix case he told me it was time to watch it or he was simply going to send it back. So we watched it. I thought

Want Real Teamwork? Start With Vulnerability!

I was sitting in a multi-day training with a group of executive leaders. I had yet to put my finger on what was missing with this team, when a question was asked that made me realize, these people don’t know each other. Through this question, it became apparent that they aren’t “allowed” to put their guard down and be real. They don’t feel like they have permission to be vulnerable. Some of these people had been working together for ten plus years and were hard pressed to name any of their colleagues hobbies much less their co-workers spouse and/or kids’